MOVIE Review – The Idea of You

Wake up! Call in sick to work. Spend your entire day on the couch with a pint of ice cream and a bottle of wine. The Idea of You movie releases today! (May 2, 2024!)

Thanks to Amazon Studios and Robinne Lee, I was able to catch an advance screening of the Idea of You movie. I had mixed emotions going into the theater tonight. Let me first say that I have always had a love/hate relationship with this book by the incredibly talented Robinne Lee. Back in 2018, I had to read the book in stops and starts, a mix of Kindle and audiobook. And it became very apparent to me that the book, while heavily featuring romantic themes, was NOT a romance! I loved the characters. I loved the premise. I loved the writing. But, I have always been gutted by the ending. So much so that my little brain has created an alternate ending that turns this great book into a true Romance and the characters will forever live in that space in my imagination.

So I went into the theater tonight fairly low expectations. I really thought I would come out of the movie and think “meh that was OK.” There has been a bit of controversy in the book world surrounding the film. There were questions about casting, wardrobe, screenwriting, all of the usual grumps and grumbles that accompany a beloved-book to film adaptation. I was apprehensive but withholding judgment.

I am so excited to say, I was completely blown away! This movie was absolutely fantastic. The emotion and conflict of the story played out on the screen, but the banter, humor and romance was truly brought to life. I think Ann Hathaway‘s performance is stunning. She truly becomes Solene. Nicholas Galitzine is an absolutely brilliant actor. His range of emotions from humor to sadness to love to playfulness to brokenhearted are on full display. On top of that, he’s also an incredible singer, performer and musician truly bringing the Hayes Campbell character to life. For years, I’ve been a part of debates about “who would be your Hayes Campbell?“ For me the question is finally answered and it will forever be Nicholas Galitzine.

What truly puts this movie over the top for me is the ending. The movie brings the ending that nearly every book reader has wished and dreamed for. Inside the theater, my friend and I cried and laughed and swooned and walked out completely satisfied and thoroughly enthralled.

I’m telling you – “don’t wait to watch this movie.” It is funny, sweet, sad, hopeful, swoon-y, and definitely spicy. Lovers of the book will be pleased to see so many scenes play out on the screen. But, even if you didn’t read the book, I’m certain the movie will be completely entertaining.

I was incredibly impressed with Amazon Studios’ adaptation of Red, White and Royal Blue. After seeing the care and skill, they applied to another of my favorite books, I’m ready for many many more book to movie collabs.

I’m certain reviews of the movie, especially from the diehard book lovers will be mixed. But for me, the movie is an absolute hit! What are you waiting for? Check it out now on Amazon Prime!

Cheers, BFF K. Signature with a pink wineglass




PS: two older ladies in the row behind us had obviously NOT read the book. They were practically clutching their pearls with the number of sex scenes in the movie. We didn’t bother to tell them about the book! I’m guessing they would have been well and truly scandalized .

Coming Soon – Better than the Book by M.E. Carter and Andrea Johnston

Release 10.15.2020
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Tropes: Friends to Lovers, Celebrity Romance

New York is where dreams come true. Or at least that’s what I’ve been told.

Despite my love of planning, my dream of working on Broadway and meeting my

Hollywood superstar crush seem to be running into more brick walls than necessary.

Still, I could never have anticipated my crush on Hunter Stone was just one Ambien trip

from an unexpected reality.

Now, I find myself lost in his charms and enamored with his passion for acting. Beyond

his good looks and brooding reputation is a man who sends my heart racing and leaves

me wondering if fictional boyfriends are real.


Passion and drive have made all of my acting dreams a reality. All I’ve worked for is at

my fingertips, but I can’t seem to settle. In my life or on my future.

Meeting Celeste Pumper… Pumper-Something was never part of my plan. Her own

passion for the stage has reminded me of a life beyond the big screen and celebrity.

Holding her in my arms and staring into her eyes should frighten me but instead I feel

more solace than my lifestyle normally allows.


Our paths didn’t cross by happenstance. It was always meant to be. Sometimes truth is

better than fiction and our story is better than the book.


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M.E. Carter and Andrea Johnston are romance writers who share a love of the written word. Combining their sense of humor, beliefs in love, and sarcasm, this writing duo has joined forces to create the Charitable Endeavors series. With the sole purpose of bringing laughter and love to their readers while tapping into their charitable hearts, a portion of the release proceeds will be donated to charity.

Better than the Book is the fourth book in the Charitable Endeavors Series by M.E. Carter and Andrea Johnston. Each story is somehow related to the indie book community and is guaranteed to be a contemporary romantic comedy and fade to gray (no gratuitous sexy times when we’re donating to charity) PLUS a portion of each book’s release will be DONATED to charity!

We are so excited to share the next Charitable Endeavors release! As always, our goal is to bring a laugh out loud romantic comedy to you while designating a portion of the proceeds to charity.  Better than the Book  is a funny celebrity romance featuring Hunter and Celeste, two individuals with a passion for the stage.  That’s why we’re thrilled to designate a portion of the release month ebook proceeds to New York City Children’s Theater! New York Children’s Theater reaches children through their communities and education with stage productions, interactive workshops, and in-school residencies. Their mission is to demonstrate that engaging young people in the arts has a positive impact on their cognitive, emotional and social development, and furthers a lifelong appreciation of the arts. You can learn more about their program here NYCCT – NYC Children’s Theater.


Cover Reveal – Well This Sucks by CoraLee June and Carrie Gray


𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝑺𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒔, 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒖𝒏 𝒗𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝑪𝒐𝒓𝒂𝑳𝒆𝒆 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒚, 𝒊𝒔 #𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈𝑺𝒆𝒑𝒕20𝒕𝒉!

I treat eating pancakes on patios like it’s a personality trait.

Brunch is my jam. I like the beach, shopping, carbs, and reading naughty books on the train during my commute. I wear pink. Lots of it. If Tinder were an olympic sport, I’d take home the gold. I can rock stilettos like they’re a pair of Nike joggers. I’m basically a basic bitch.

I’m in the prime of my life. I’ve got my dream job as the head of marketing at a sex toy company, and I’ve been steadily dating myself for the better half of the last decade. I’m thirty, flirty, and thriving, dammit.

Or at least I was, until some fucker had the audacity to turn me into a vampire.

I don’t do blood and doom and gloom. I sure as hell don’t like sleeping in a coffin, avoiding garlic bread, and these ridiculous vamp politics. And don’t get me started on Diego. He’s vampire royalty and a pain in my ass. A very sexy pain in the ass. When he’s not driving me crazy with all his rules, he’s turning my panties into Niagara falls.

I absolutely refuse to live the rest of my immortal life in some wannabe nineties grunge music video.


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The authors are giving away 5 signed paperbacks on their Facebook pages to celebrate. Stop by to enter!

Designer: HQ Artwork


Coralee June is an international bestselling romance writer who enjoys engaging projects and developing real, raw, and relatable characters. She is an English major from Texas State University and has had an intense interest in literature since her youth. She currently resides with her husband and two daughters in Dallas, Texas, where she enjoys long walks through the ice-cream aisle at her local grocery store.

Follow CoraLee June!





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I have always loved to read. In kindergarten, I was the weird kid sitting in the reading nook by myself instead of trying to get more snacks. I’m excited to be putting my own voice on the page and watching a story I helped create come to life. I still love to read, but I also really like snacks.

I grew up in Chicago but recently moved back to the Dallas area where I live with my husband and son.

I have my Bachelor of Science in Biology. I spent a year researching chimpanzees and gorillas while I was in Chicago and then I spent another two months on a chimpanzee sanctuary trying to convince headstrong chimps to cooperate. Pro tip – grapes are a pretty hot bargaining tool. They work wonders with my toddler too.

Follow Carrie Gray!



Cover Reveal – The Trouble with Quarterbacks by R.S. Grey

R.S. Grey’s next standalone rom-com, The Trouble With Quarterbacks, is coming August 6th! Check it out and order yours today!

About The Trouble With Quarterbacks

CANDACE: KAT & YASMINE! DO NOT DALLY! Come straight home after work. Kat, don’t take the long route from the subway station just so you can pass by Cute Hot Dog Guy. This is important!

I’ve had THE BEST DAY. You won’t believe it. There I was in my preschool classroom, washing a bit of poo out of some soggy trousers, when this absolute babe came to collect his nephew from my class.

Truthfully, I thought I’d blacked out for a moment when I first saw him. He was a proper hunk with glorious brown hair, quite tall, and he had these arms. Are muscly arms supposed to turn me on? I’m panting just thinking about them.

Anyway, he told me he’s a professional foosball player. At least, I think that’s what he said. The tots can get quite loud near pick-up time.

YASMINE: Foosball? What are you on about? Have you gone mad?

KAT: Oh sod off. So what if I like to have a good look at Hot Dog Guy’s arse on my trek home after a hard day’s work? It’s called self-care.

CANDACE: Kat, you’re hopeless. Yasmine, yes—foosball! I suppose it’s a big thing over here in the States? We must investigate and learn everything we can.

By the way, he’s called Logan.

Logan + Candace. I think that sounds quite nice! I can hear the wedding bells now. Dum dum da-dum.

YASMINE: Oh good grief. I suppose we can do some snooping when I get home. I’ll grab wine on my way.

KAT: I’ll grab hot dogs.

THE TROUBLE WITH QUARTERBACKS is a hilarious romance about unlikely love found between a British preschool teacher and the professional quarterback who sweeps her off her feet.


About the Author

R.S. Grey is the USA Today bestselling author of over twenty novels. She lives in Texas with her husband and daughter, and can be found reading, binge-watching reality TV, or practicing yoga! Visit her at

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Excerpt Reveal – The Rivals by Vi Keeland


Excited about Vi Keeland’s upcoming release,
The Rivals? Check out this SNEAK PEEK


Title: The Rivals
Author: Vi Keeland
Genre: Standalone Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 13, 2020



The feud between Weston Lockwood and me started at the altar.

Only neither of us attended the wedding, and the nuptials happened decades before either of us was born.

Our grandfathers had been best friends and business partners, at least up until my grandfather’s wedding day—when his bride-to-be blurted out she couldn’t marry him because she was also in love with Weston‘s grandfather.

The two men spent years fighting over Grace Copeland, who also happened to be their third business partner.  But in the end, neither man could steal half of her heart away from the other.

Eventually, they all went their separate ways.  Our grandfathers married other women, and the two men became one of the biggest business rivals in history.

Our fathers continued the family tradition of feuding.  And then Weston and I did, too.

For the most part, we kept as much distance as possible.

Until the day the woman who started the feud died—and unexpectedly left one of the most valuable hotels in the world to our grandfathers to share.

Now I’m stuck in a hotel with the man I was born to hate, trying to unravel the mess our families inherited.

As usual, it didn’t take long for us to be at each other’s throats.

Weston Lockwood was everything I hated: tall, smart, cocky, and too gorgeous for his own good.  We were fire and ice.

But that shouldn’t be an issue. Our families were used to being at war. There was just one minor problem, though.   Every time Weston and I fought, we somehow wound up in bed.


BFF K’s 6 Rated Review is coming soon! I LOVED this story! It’s enthralling, emotional and super steamy. The banter is witty and spot on and the characters are so endearing. You should absolutely pre-order this book and be ready to devour it in a day! ❤️
Pre-order Links



“What the hell?” I pressed the button on the elevator panel a second time. It illuminated, yet the car continued to sit there. So I jabbed my finger at it a third time. Finally, the doors started to glide closed. Just as they were about to shut completely, a shoe blocked them from closing. 

A wingtip shoe. 

Weston’s smiling face was there to greet me when the doors bounced open. 

My blood was near boiling. “So help me, Lockwood, if you try to get in this car, I can’t be responsible for what happens to you. I’m not in the mood anymore.” 

He entered the elevator anyway. “Come on, Fifi. What’s wrong? I’m just playing around. You’re taking things way too seriously.” 

I counted to ten in my head, but it didn’t help. Fuck it. He wanted to get a rise out of me? He was going to get one. The doors slid shut again, and I turned and backed him into a corner. Seeing my face, he at least had the decency to look a little nervous. 

“You wanna know what’s wrong? I’ll tell you what’s wrong! My father thinks I’m inept because I don’t have an appendage dangling between my legs. The man I spent the last eighteen months with was cheating on me with one of my cousins. Again. I hate New York City. I despise the Lockwood family. And you think you can get away with anything you want just because you have a big dick.” I jabbed my finger into his chest and punctuated each staccato word with another stab.  





My father.  



Every single fucking one of you. So leave me the hell alone!” 

Frazzled, I turned back around and waited for the door to open, only to realize we hadn’t started to move yet. Great. Just fucking great. I jabbed the button a few more times, closed my eyes, and took deep, cleansing breaths as we started to move. Halfway through breath three, I felt the heat of Weston’s body behind me. He had to have moved closer. I continued to try to ignore him.  

But the fucker still smelled good.  

How the hell could that be? Whose cologne lasted for—what had it been now?—twelve hours? After the gauntlet run he’d sent me on across town this morning, I probably smelled like BO. It pissed me off that the asshole smelled…fucking delicious.  

He moved closer, and I felt his breath tickle my neck.  

“So,” he whispered in a gravelly voice. “You think my dick’s big.” 

I turned and scowled at him. While this morning he’d been clean-shaven, he now had a five o’clock shadow all along his chiseled jaw. It gave him a sinister look. The suit that hugged his broad shoulders probably cost more than Liam’s entire sweater wardrobe. Weston Lockwood was everything I hated in a man—wealthy, good looking, cocky, arrogant, and fearless. Liam would hate him. My father already hated him. And at the moment, those were actually Weston’s strong points.  

While I struggled with my body reacting to his scent and how much I liked the stubble on his face, Weston slowly reached out and put a hand on my hip. At first, I assumed he thought he needed to steady me, as he had when I’d wobbled in the bar. Had I wobbled again? I didn’t think I had. But I must’ve. 

Though when his hand glided from my hip around to my ass, there was no misunderstanding his intention. He was not trying to help me stay on my feet. In my head, my immediate reaction was to scream at him, but somehow my throat felt too clogged to speak.  

I made the mistake of looking up from his jaw into his blue eyes. Heat flickered, turning them almost gray, and his eyes dropped to my lips.  


Just no. 

This was not happening.  

Not again. 

My heart thundered in my chest, and the blood in my ears roared so loudly I almost didn’t hear the ding of the elevator announcing that we’d arrived at my floor. Thankfully it snapped me out of whatever moment of insanity I’d slipped into.  

“I…I need to go.” 

It took all of my focus to put one foot in front of the other, but I managed to walk down the hall and make it to my room.  


I wasn’t alone. 


Author Bio

Vi Keeland is a #1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author. With millions of books sold, her titles have appeared in over a hundred Bestseller lists and are currently translated in twenty-five languages. She resides in New York with her husband and their three children where she is living out her own happily ever after with the boy she met at age six.
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Cover Reveal – Cherish Her by Andrea Johnston

Title: Cherish Her
Series: Military Men of Lexington
Author: Andrea Johnston
Genre: Contemporary Romance; Small Town Romance; Single Mom Romance; Ex-military Romance
Release Date: April 9

Cover Design: Uplifting Author Services

My life was perfect . . .

Until fate took it all away.

Heartache and broken bones left me searching for solace in the darkest of places.

It wasn’t pretty, but with the support of my family, I persevered and I’m stronger for it. My daughters deserve nothing less.

Things were finally back on track, until I met Grant Ellison. Tall, dark, and handsome he sets my heart racing. If only the fear of loving again didn’t paralyze me.


Nobody was as surprised as me when I left a long military career for a slower pace in life. After all, I’ve never been one to make decisions lightly or without a plan.

A new town means a fresh start. Although it’s a lonely existence, I don’t regret my decision. Especially when a beautiful woman catches my eye.

Dakota Jennings’ strength and ambition are for all to see but her heart is protected by the strongest of walls. My new mission is to show her how precious she is and how great we can be together.


**The Military Men of Lexington is a series of interconnected, standalone, small town romances.**




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About the Author


Andrea Johnston spent her childhood with her nose in a book and a pen to paper.

An avid people watcher, her mind is full of stories that yearn to be told.

A fan of angsty romance with a happy ending, super sexy erotica and a good mystery, Andrea can always be found with her Kindle nearby fully charged.

Andrea lives in Idaho with her family and two dogs. When she isn’t spending time with her partner in crime aka her husband, she can be found binge watching all things Bravo and enjoying a cocktail. Nothing makes her happier than the laughter of her children, a good book, her feet in the water, and cocktail in hand all at the same time.



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Cover Reveal – Waiting for My Queen by Georgia Cates

Check out Georgia Cates’s hot cover! Waiting for my Queen is releasing on March 3rd!




All I’ve ever wanted was to marry for love.

But girls like me don’t have that luxury.

We are used as pawns in a game we can’t control.

The game? It’s called Mafia.

I was foolish enough to try to change the rules… and I lost.



She was promised to me years ago.

And he dared to take her from me.

Dared to touch what was mine.

I put an end to that.

I hope he’s enjoying the view from his dirt room.



My beloved’s killer placed a ruby ring on my finger and called me his queen.

But that red gem symbolizes something different for me.

It represents the blood shed by those I love most.

Hell was empty the day we wed.

Because the devil was standing before me and said “I do.”



I saw her as a possession.

A shiny toy I didn’t want other boys to play with.

But she’s so much more.

Beautiful and brave and strong and broken all at once.

She tastes like everything I’ve ever wanted.



Hidden and patient.

I wait for the perfect time to seek my revenge.

But slowly, I feel him possessing me.

His heart is full of darkness… and I still want every inch of him.

Hard as I try, I can’t escape loving this beautiful monster.



I’m waiting patiently because I already know that she’s mine.

Mine in a way that no one will ever understand.

Even if she hasn’t yet realized it.

For love, I’d do anything.

For her, I’d do everything.


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To celebrate Waiting for my Queen’s cover reveal, Georgia Cates is giving away two $50 gift cards! Head to her Facebook Author and Instagram pages to enter!








Georgia resides in rural Mississippi with her wonderful husband, Jeff, and their two beautiful daughters. She spent fourteen years as a labor and delivery nurse before she decided to pursue her dream of becoming an author and hasn’t looked back yet.

When she’s not writing, she’s thinking about writing. When she’s being domestic, she’s listening to her music and visualizing scenes for her current work in progress. Every story coming from her always has a song to inspire




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Cover Reveal – Outmatched by Samantha Young and Kristen Callihan

Outmatched - CR banner.jpg

Outmatched by Kristen Callihan and Samantha Young

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Publishing date: November 19, 2019

Cover Designer: Hang Le


What happens when a boxer finds chemistry with a geek?

Parker Brown can’t believe she needs to hire a fake boyfriend. When she landed her dream job in renewable energy, she thought she’d be entering a world at the forefront of progressive thinking. But the head boss prefers to promote employees who are “settled.” Thankfully, she’s found the perfect candidate, a fellow intellectual looking for some quick cash. What Parker gets is his protective big brother—Rhys Morgan. The tall, muscled ex-boxer with a foul mouth shows up just as her boss does, and now she’s stuck with the manipulative jerk.

Responsibility weighs heavily on Rhys. Now permanently out of the ring, he’s trying to hold together his late father’s gym and keep his younger brother, Dean, on the straight and narrow. To save Dean from himself, Rhys takes his place, ready to give this society girl a piece of his mind. Instead, he finds an opportunity. Even though they can hardly stand each other, posing as Parker’s boyfriend is a win-win deal. She gets to keep her job, and he’ll charm her star-struck boss into sponsoring his gym.

Problem is, they can barely keep their hands off each other. And what started as an easy deal isn’t so easy anymore. Because what future can a rough ex-boxer, afraid to open his heart, and a polished society geek, who has sworn off real relationships, possibly have?

They say opposites attract. These opposites are about to combust on impact.

Copy of Outmatched Cover .jpg

Pre-order your copy today!

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Nook: coming soon

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Outmatched - CR.jpg

About the Authors

About Kristen:

Kristen Callihan is an author because there is nothing else she’d rather be. She is a RITA winner and three-time nominee and winner of two RT Reviewer’s Choice awards. Her novels have garnered starred reviews from Publisher’s Weekly and the Library Journal, as well as being awarded top picks by many reviewers. Her debut book FIRELIGHT received RT Magazine’s Seal of Excellence, was named a best book of the year by Library Journal, best book of Spring 2012 by Publisher’s Weekly, and was named the best romance book of 2012 by ALA RUSA. When she is not writing, she is reading.

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About Samantha:

Samantha Young is a New York Times and #1 International bestselling author from Stirlingshire, Scotland. On Dublin Street was Samantha’s first adult contemporary romance series and has sold in thirty countries. She has since published over thirteen romance titles including the New York Times Bestsellers Into the Deep, Hero, and her most recent contemporary romance Play On. When writing Adult Paranormal romance she writes under the pen name S. Young.

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Cover Reveal – Wylde Fire by Sarah Robinson

Today we have the cover reveal for Sarah Robinson’s WYLDE FIRE! Check it out and be sure to pre-order your copy today!

Title: Wylde Fire

Author: Sarah Robinson

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Day: September 17th

About Wylde Fire:

Sam Wylde is ready to prove he’s more than just the privileged son of a wealthy Southern dynasty.

Wyldefire Whiskey is poised to take Nashville by storm—and with any luck, overshadow the scandal of his cheating ex-girlfriend marrying his brother. The only problem? This gruff country boy has no idea how to throw a launch party that will get people talking.

The answer to everything might just be Holly Glen.
A party wrapped up in one tiny woman, Holly is tattooed, tempting, and exactly the event planner Sam needs to liven up his brand—and his life. He can give her what she needs, too.

All it will take is a ring on her finger.

Falling in real love with his fake wife was not part of the plan—but one shot of Holly isn’t going to be enough.

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Excerpt from Wylde Fire

“You cannot do this to me, Cassie,” Sam Wylde argued over the speakerphone attached to his truck’s dashboard. He cringed as his Southern drawl came out a little thicker than usual. Frustration did that to him, and right now it was taking everything in him to not start cussing.

With a deft twist of his wrist, he steered his truck into the parking lot next to Town Hall, cutting off another car with a halfhearted wave of acknowledgement. He needed to pick up several permits before the city offices closed, leaving no room for pleasantries.

Damn, for a Saturday, the lot sure is packed.

He sighed and forced his attention back to the phone call. “We’ve got a few months until the launch of the entire brand. Everything I’ve done the last two years is riding on this.”

“I’m really sorry,” Cassie, his event planner, said from the other end of the phone. Or former event planner, apparently. “But I can’t be in two places at once, and neither can my influencers and vendors. We’re booked for that day now.”

Teetering on the brink of exploding, Sam breathed in slowly. “But. You. Signed. With. Us. First.” He ground the words out slow and steady.

“Technically, I haven’t signed an actual contract. I was helping you out as a favor to Noah,” Cassie informed him. “And where I go…so do my connections.”

Read the First Three Chapters!


About the Author

Aside from being a Top 10 Barnes & Noble and Amazon Bestseller, Sarah Robinson is a native of the Washington, DC area and has both her Bachelors and Masters Degrees in criminal psychology. She works as a counselor by day and romance novelist by night. She owns a small zoo of furry pets and is actively involved in volunteering in her community.


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Chapter Reveal – Handle With Care by Helena Hunting


New York Times bestselling author of SHACKING UP and I FLIPPING LOVE YOU Helena Hunting mixes humor and heart in this scandal-filled romantic comedy.

Between his parents’ messed up marriage and his narcissistic younger brother, Lincoln Moorehead has spent the majority of his life avoiding his family. After the death of his father, Lincoln finds himself in the middle of the drama. To top it all off, he’s been named CEO of Moorehead Media, much to his brother’s chagrin. But Lincoln’s bad attitude softens when he meets the no-nonsense, gorgeous woman who has been given the task of transforming him from the gruff, wilderness guy to a suave businessman

Wren Sterling has been working double time to keep the indiscretions at Moorehead Media at bay, so when she’s presented with a new contract, with new responsibilities and additional incentives, she agrees. Working with the reclusive oldest son of a ridiculously entitled family is worth the hassle if it means she’s that much closer to pursuing her own dreams. What Wren doesn’t expect is to find herself attracted to him, or for it to be mutual. And she certainly doesn’t expect to fall for Lincoln. But when a shocking new Moorehead scandal comes to light, she’s forced to choose between her own family and the broody, cynical CEO.


Order Your Copy Today


Click on the link below for Chapter 1 of Handle with Care

Handle With Care Chapter 1 Reveal




New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of PUCKED, Helena Hunting lives on the outskirts of Toronto with her incredibly tolerant family and two moderately intolerant cats. She’s writes contemporary romance ranging from new adult angst to romantic sports comedy.

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