Review – Embrace Me by Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers

A Chasing Fire Novella (#3.5)
Ann Marie Walker & Amy K. Rogers
Releasing September 20th, 2016
Berkley Intermix

Hudson Chase and Alessandra Sinclair’s heartracing romance continues in this hot, new novella in the Chasing Fire series.

Return to the dangerous and seductive romance that got pulses racing in the Chasing Fire trilogy…

It took ten years for Hudson Chase and Alessandra Sinclair to find their happily ever after, and they’re not about to let anything get in their way…

Nothing could stop the passion between Allie and Hudson—not time or distance. Not even tragedy, betrayal, and blackmail. But now they’re facing a new challenge: wedding planning. And while Allie’s social status demands she put on the event of the century, her well-intentioned family and friends have her doubting her walk down the aisle…

Hudson knows tensions are pushing Allie to the brink, but he’s not letting her throw everything away over some flowers and cake. He has plans for his new bride, and unlike their last adventure, he’s determined that this time there will be no unwelcome surprises. But for all his determination and control, there’s one element Hudson Chase has never been able to predict—and she has some adventurous ideas of her own…

Praise for the Chasing Fire trilogy
“Exceptional…Seriously sexy andsinfully steamy. Can’t wait for more from this writing duo!”–New York Times bestselling author Tara Sue Me
“Walker and Rogers strike the perfect balance between blistering physical desire and heartfelt connections…”–RT Book Review
Releases Tomorrow – Pre-Order Now



Embrace Me by Ann Marie Walker and Amy K Rogers is the wedding gift presented to all of the fans of the Chasing Fire Series. This book is the bright red bow tied to the top of the package; and, this is still one of BFF K’s favorite series!

Embrace Me begins with Allie and Hudson deciding to renew their wedding vows with family and friends to witness and celebrate the occasion. Allie finds the entire wedding planning process stressful and overwhelming. So, Hudson does what he does best….He comes to Allie’s rescue and surprises her with the answers to all of her problems. Of course, after a wedding comes a honeymoon. And, this one has all of the romance and steam we expect from this series!

Embrace Me is the conclusion to Hudson and Allie’s story and you really have to read the entire Chasing Fire series first. For maximum enjoyment, this should not be read as a stand-alone. There is not much plot or action in the story, but there is a LOT of ACTION! <<Wink, Wink!>> Be prepared for a CRAZY amount of sexy time! And, a sweet and steamy conclusion to the love story of Allie and Hudson Chase!







An advance copy was received in exchange for an honest review.

AND – If you want to immerse yourself in all things Hudson Chase, join BFF K in the #HudsonChasers group on Facebook!

Hudson Chasers Facebook Group


Hudson spun to face her and within seconds Allie was in his arms, the hard planes of his body crushing her against the alley’s brick wall. Both hands framed her face as Hudson sealed his mouth over hers. His tongue pushed passed her lips, taking her in a lush, deep kiss she felt echo to her very core. Allie’s hands found their way into his hair, her fingers twisting through the dark waves, trying in vain to hold him to her when he broke their kiss.

His face hovered mere inches from hers. “You’ve been a bad girl tonight,” he rasped.

Just those few, roughly spoken words had her heart racing with excitement. Hudson was in control and she wouldn’t have it any other way. In the boardroom she stood her ground, going toe to toe with her stubborn husband on a wide range of issues. But in the bedroom he was her dominant lover and although there was a time she would have never considered such behavior a turn on, there was no denying the effect it had on her. There was a freedom in surrendering herself to him, a liberating sense of self unlike anything she’d ever experienced. With Hudson she was able to let go of her inhibitions and explore the wanton lust only he could evoke.

A soft moan escaped her lips as he ran his tongue up the column of her throat.

She hadn’t expected him to show up at her bachelorette party and had certainly never imagined him dragging her out of the club cave-man style. But there he was, touching her, kissing her, and all she could think about was how badly she wanted him.

“Did you enjoy having those men rubbing themselves all over you?” The hard ridge of his erection pressed against her though the soft fabric of her skirt. Behind them a muffled bass beat a hypnotic rhythm through the club’s darkened windows. It pounded through them, urging her to grind her body against him.

“It’s only you Hudson. It’s always been only you.”

“You can prove it to me when we get home.” He stepped back, leaving her warm and wanting, to reveal their limo idling behind him. He reached for the handle and gave the door a hard yank. “After you.”

Allie slid across the leather bench with Hudson close behind. Before he had even settled onto the seat she was in his lap. “We don’t have to wait until we get home.”



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About the Authors

Though thousands of miles apart, Ann Marie Walker and Amy K. Rogers are in constant contact, plotting story lines and chatting about their love of alpha males, lemon drop martinis and British supermodel, David Gandy. You can find them on twitter as @AnnMarie_Walker and @Amy_KRogers.
Amy K. Rogers


Ann Marie Walker

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